Enrolling children in school in Germany

school in Germany

As a parent, one of the most important decisions you will make is where to enroll your child in school in Germany and how to find reliable childcare. Enrolling children in school in Germany is relatively straightforward and usually begins with the local primary school (Grundschule). Parents typically need to provide proof of residence, a birth certificate, and a vaccination certificate when enrolling their child.

It’s worth noting that the German education system is decentralized, which means that the organization and curriculum of schools vary from state to state. However, there is a strong emphasis on academic excellence and discipline in German schools.

There are also many international schools in Germany, which offer an education in English and follow an international curriculum. These schools are a good option for expats and families who want to maintain a connection with their home country. However, these schools tend to be more expensive than public schools. In this blog post, we will explore the options available for enrolling children in school in Germany.

Enrolling children in school in Germany

Enrolling in Primary School

In Germany, primary education is compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 10. Primary school is divided into two stages: Grundschule, which covers grades 1 through 4, and Orientierungsstufe, which covers grades 5 and 6.

To enroll your child in primary school in Germany, you will need to contact the school directly. You can find the contact information for your local primary school in Germany by visiting the website of your local education authority. When you contact the school, you will need to provide proof of your child’s identity and your address.

You also have the option of enrolling your child in a private primary school. Private school in Germany are typically more expensive than public schools, but they may offer a more individualized education or a specific educational philosophy.

Enrolling in Secondary School

Secondary education in Germany is not compulsory, but it is highly encouraged. Secondary school in Germany is divided into two stages: Sekundarstufe I, which covers grades 7 through 9, and Sekundarstufe II, which covers grades 10 through 12.

To enroll your child in secondary school, you will need to contact the school directly. You can find the contact information for your local secondary school in Germany by visiting the website of your local education authority. When you contact the school, you will need to provide proof of your child’s identity and your address.

You also have the option of enrolling your child in a private secondary school. Private school in Germany are typically more expensive than public schools, but they may offer a more individualized education or a specific educational philosophy.

Finding Childcare in Germany

If you are a working parent, you may need to find childcare for your child while you are at work. In Germany, there are several options available for childcare, including:

Kindergarten: Kindergarten is a form of early childhood education for children between the ages of 3 and 6. Children typically attend kindergarten for half a day, either in the morning or the afternoon. Kindergarten is usually free of charge in Germany, but some private kindergartens may charge a fee.

Daycare: Daycare centers, also known as “Kinderkrippen” or “Kindergarten,” provide full-day care for children between the ages of 6 months and 3 years. Daycare centers are usually open from 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

After-school care: After-school care, also known as “Hort,” is available for children between the ages of 6 and 12. After-school care is usually provided at the child’s school and is available from 3pm to 6pm.

Nanny: Hiring a nanny to care for your child in your home is another option. Nannies are typically self-employed and can be found through agencies or by advertising in local newspapers or online.

In conclusion, enrolling your child in school in Germany and finding childcare in Germany is a straightforward process. The education system in Germany is highly regarded and there are many options available for both primary and secondary education. When it comes to finding childcare, there are several options available, including kindergarten, daycare, after-school care, and hiring a nanny.




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